ASA Events

ASA offers many workshops, conferences and events.  Here is a brief description of many of these events.


New Superintendent Collaborative Network (SCN)

In partnership with the AZ Department of Education and Grand Canyon University, new superintendents receive training and mentoring at no cost.  This consists of a series of in-person and virtual workshops, with ongoing support for successful superintendents and retired superintendents.

Superintendents Leadership Forum (SLF)

The SLF is a series of virtual sessions to provide support to superintendents on a variety of topics and issues.

Qualified Evaluator Training

This is a one-day virtual training focused on components and techniques of observing and evaluating classroom instruction.  It is a very practical training that prepares administrators to perform teacher observations and evaluations, while providing some protection for districts when poor performance or conduct is addressed.  This training enables governing boards to attest that the administrator is “highly qualified” to conduct evaluations.

Member & Division Meetings

ASA holds quarterly general membership meetings followed by concurrent hybrid meetings of all six divisions, which are then followed by a meeting of the ASA Executive Board.  The general meeting is held in-person, with a live stream via YouTube, and typically includes updates from the Governor’s Office, ADE, State Board of Ed, AIA and legislative staff.

School Safety & Security Summit

This annual 2-day conference provides information and resources to support school safety and security, from a holistic perspective to include prevention/planning, crisis management, postvention, physical safety, cybersecurity and other aspects to support the safety and wellbeing of students and staff.

Principal & the Law Conference

This annual conference provides school leaders with valuable information on the latest legal issues impacting school districts from a group of expert attorneys to ensure compliance and prevent litigation.

Best Practices for Modifying Employee Behavior (Upslope)

This is a 3-part research-validated leadership staff development program for supervisors seeking to manage staff conduct and/or productivity concerns more proactively, effectively, and defensibly.  This workshop series equips K-12 administrators with a comprehensive framework of best practices for transforming their daily supervisory activities into opportunities to modify employee behavior in a positive manner.

Golf Tournament

The ASA Annual Golf Tournament brings together administrators and ASA’s partners for a fun day of golf, with great prizes, as a fundraiser for ASA.

Fall Leadership Conference

The annual Fall Leadership Conference is a 3-day conference supporting the professional growth of school and district leaders while also providing opportunities for professional networking and collegial support.

Legislative Committee

ASA’s Legislative Committee includes representation from a variety of district, small and large, rural and urban, to set legislative priorities for each legislative session and to guide ASA’s positions on educational bills throughout the legislative session.

Aspiring Administrators Workshop

This annual 1-day workshop helps prepare those who aspire to become school administrators through a day of rich presentations and conversations.

Carolyn Warner’s Women in Leadership Conference

This annual 1-day conference is named after a great leader, Carolyn Warner, and serves to inspire female leaders both inside and outside of the educational community.

APEL – Higher Ed Drive-In Conference

The Association of Professors of Educational Leadership, through ASA’s Higher Ed Division, provides an annual conference to support leadership development and to bridge K-12 and higher ed communities together.

Institute for Excellence

ASA’s annual 3-day Institute for Excellence supports leadership development and professional networking, with a slightly more academic focus than other ASA conferences and an emphasis on school and district teams.  Often times, school and district teams attend and use some of the conference time as an opportunity to plan for the next school year.

Summer Leadership Conference

ASA’s annual 3-day Summer Leadership Conference supports leadership development and professional networking across all divisions, with great participation from leaders at the school level, and includes annual awards and recognition.

Winter Conference

ASA partners with the AZ School Boards Association to provide an annual 3-day winter conference that is primarily attended by school board members and superintendents, with leadership development for both groups along with annual awards and recognitions.  It provides a great opportunity for superintendents and their board members to develop and strengthen professional relationships to best serve their respective communities.

Professional Networking Member Mixers

In the spirit of having ASA go to members and to provide opportunities for members to increase collaboration and professional support for one another, ASA hosts quarterly Member Mixers in different parts of the state.